With traditional healing methods against pain

Effectiveness of deep heat in pain therapy


More and more people are looking for effective, non-invasive treatment methods for chronic pain and muscle tension. There is also an increasing focus on awareness of one's own body. This is where Calopad comes in with an innovative solution from the world of heat therapy. The Calopad® - the world's most intelligent heat plaster for pain treatment and muscle regeneration.

In an exclusive interview with Anima Willi, our leading Calopad physiotherapist, we reveal why deep heat is so effective for pain relief and muscle recovery. We explore the science behind this form of therapy and discuss how Calopad® differs from conventional heat therapies.

Anima, you are our in-house physiotherapist at Calopad. Can you explain why deep heat is so effective for pain relief and muscle regeneration?

We humans have been using heat as a therapeutic method for a long time. Even in ancient times, sand baths were considered an effective heat treatment for back and joint pain. With the Calopad®, we do the same in a concentrated form. When applied to the painful area, it works like a trigger point treatment. Temperature plays an important role here. Studies have shown that a temperature of 42° C brings the best medical results, which is why the Calopad® uses exactly this temperature for therapy.

Can you explain exactly how therapeutic deep heat works in the body?

The body reacts to deep heat by dilating the blood vessels, which leads to increased blood flow. More blood also means more oxygen and nutrients reaching the treated areas. At the same time, waste products are broken down more effectively. When a muscle is well supplied with blood, it relaxes more easily and is less prone to tension. You can imagine this as being similar to a sponge: When the sponge is compressed, it is hard and not very flexible. But as soon as it is filled with water, it expands and becomes softer and more flexible.

The deep heat can also stimulate the thermoreceptors in the skin. These receptors react to heat and can therefore influence the sensation of pain. The heat can lead to fewer pain signals being sent to the brain, which has a pain-relieving effect.

What makes therapy with the Calopad® special compared to other heat therapies?

The Calopad® offers several advantages. On the one hand, it treats with an actual, medical deep heat of 42° degrees. With conventional heat patches, on the other hand, the heat is usually triggered by a chemical reaction, which can often lead to skin irritation due to ingredients such as chilli and pepper. In addition, the required heat is never reached, which means that although it feels warm on the skin, the heat does not penetrate into the deep muscle layers and therefore has no effect. In addition, therapy with Calopad® is sustainable, cheaper and more ecological than with conventional heat plasters due to its reusability.

Why is the combination of passive and active therapy with Calopad® particularly beneficial?

Both forms promote blood circulation in the tissue. However, we don't just want to alleviate the symptoms, which works very well in the short term with passive therapy, but also to eliminate the cause. This only works if we change something in the structure and, for example, build up muscles in order to stabilise a joint better. The Calopad® Care subscription combines passive and active therapy - in other words, pain relief and combating the cause!

Are there specific patient groups or medical conditions for which the use of the Calopad® is particularly recommended?

In principle, anyone can use the Calopad® - with a few exceptions. It is particularly recommended for joint pain and muscle tension as well as for people with headaches and back pain or office workers. Muscle tension can often cause severe pain or increase the pressure on a joint to such an extent that it causes pain. The deep heat of Calopad® in combination with strength and mobilisation exercises can relieve pain in a wide range of body areas.

To summarise, the benefits of deep heat therapy are of great value for pain therapy and muscle regeneration. The combination of targeted heat therapy and modern technology makes Calopad® an indispensable tool for anyone suffering from chronic pain and muscle tension. With its scientifically proven method and lasting effects, Calopad is at the forefront of innovative pain therapy and offers hope to millions of people worldwide.

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«The Calopad® is particularly recommended for joint pain and muscle tension. The deep heat of the Calopad® in combination with strength and mobilisation exercises can relieve pain in a wide variety of areas of the body.»
Anima Willi, physiotherapist at Calopad

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